Partners and consultants
Claudio Rolandi – Founder

Graduated in Nuclear Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan in 1980, he was working for Italian Navy, Philips, Parke Davis and Festo both as industrial engineer and as senior consultant. He was also Italian representative in CEN (European Committee for Standardization) for Technical Committees Maintenance and Management Consulting and former President of ISPE (International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers) Italy Affiliate. He was professor of “Design and Management of Industrial Facilities” and Responsible of Advanced Studies Masters in SUPSI-DTI (Switzerland). He founded ACADEMIA in 1990. Actually, he is consultant for some important international companies, lecturer at the School of Management of the University of Turin, member of International Maintenance Association Scientific Committee, member of SPS Italia Scientific Committee and member of Critical Infrastructure Resilience Advisory Board for some European research projects.
Silvano Leonardo Asnaghi

Graduated in Industrial Engineering for Nuclear Design in 2010, EMBA in 2012 and obtained PHD in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering in 2021. From 1989 was involved in design and commissioning of complex plant for plastic and paper industries. Member of the IMECHE and IEET of UK was involved in the creation of Italy Branch of the first. From 2010 is a senior consultant for ASSOLOMBARDA ECOLE involved in several corporate industries. Actually, is lecturer for Ecampus University for Chemical Plant Item. Technical director of IRMAP (Istituto di ricerca sulla manutenzione e produzione) promotes e develops research of maintenance and manufacturing with the main Italian universities.
Claudio R. Boër

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin with the first thesis on the application of computers to production, Master of Applied Science at the University of Waterloo (Canada) and PhD at Carleton University (Ottawa). In Swiss industry for 20 years and 20 years in the Academy (Federal Polytechnic of Lausanne, Polytechnic of Milan, SUPSI) and consultant for the Swiss government agencies InnoSuisse and SEFRI. Research for the integration of ICT in production. Search for sustainability in production, new production paradigms to reduce waste, especially energy, changing the business model from mass production to mass customization. Visiting Professor and teaching in Chinese universities. Swiss Consul in Shanghai and Senior Consultant SwissnexChina. Vice President of SUPSI until the end of 2021. Currently scientific consultant for industries and organizations.
Federico Borra

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, he studied International Management at Carnagie Mellon University (Pittsburgh). He used to work for Franco Tosi and for Pratt & Whitney as Production Engineer and Production Manager. He consulted for COM Metodi and Festo CTE as senior consultant, trainer and at Festo CTE as Director of the Executive Program in Supply Chain and Operations Management. He’s the co-founder of Turbo Consulting (2002) and of Turbo Press, a publishing company. He co-authored the book “Made in Italy 2.0: Imperativo crescere!” He worked with gurus Norman Bodek and Ritsuo Shingo. Competences: Lean Management, TPS, Operations Management, Theory of Constraints, Problem Solving, Harada Method.
Vladimiro Buso

Degree in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Industrial Automation in 1993 from University of Padua. Enrolled in the Order of Engineers of Venice and Province since 1994. He has over thirty years of experience in international development cooperation projects and professional technical training in the sectors of EU Directives, Standards for Mechanical Design, Metal Machining and Industrial Automation in collaboration with Italian, Egyptian and Jordan Universities and Italian and European organizations and enterprises. He was involved as International Technical Coordinator managing a programme funded by EU Trust Fund aimed at addressing the root causes of irregular migration between Egypt and Europe. Appointed, on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, to carry out an analysis of the technical-training equipment in a group of Lebanese Technical/Professional Institutes, to support the Lebanese Ministry of Technical Education to develop the new ministerial curricula. Expert in Procurement of Contracts and Grants in compliance with the European Financial Regulations and the Practical Guide.
Diego Cavallero

Graduated in 2001 in Chemical Engineering at Polytechnic of Turin, he achieved a Master’s degree in Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis and a Ph.D. in Industrial Safety and Risk Analysis, with a joint program developed also at Christian Michelsen Research in Bergen (Norway). He performed analytic and experimental research at Polytechnic of Turin, where he was awarded as “Scholar on the Subject” in three industrial safety branches. Currently he is consultant in Process Safety in industrial contexts, particularly regarding explosion and fire risks, with stable cooperations also with oil&gas, pharmaceutic and chemical corporates; he is a qualified trainer In Occupational Safety, and has been lecturer in academic and post-lauream courses at Polytechnic of Turin, at University of Turin for the faculty of “Environmental and Health& Safety Protection Techniques” and for several public authorities and private companies. Since 2007 he is forensic engineer for Prosecutor office, Courthouse and private companies, in inquiries mainly regarding fires, explosions and work-related accidents.
Alberto Ciardelli

Alberto Ciardelli for more than 20 years has been delivering courses, training and consulting in the Project and Service Management fields. He is a Lead Trainer and a Subject Matter Expert and has been working at Universities, PAs, Ministries, Multinational Companies and other companies in different Business Areas (IT, Telco, Banks, Insurances, Automotive, Chemistry and Pharmaceutics, Military, Fashion, Aeronautical and Naval Engineering, Legal Institutes, Health industry) mainly in Switzerland, Italy and in different European Countries.
Roberta Frattini

Graduated in Chemistry and Technology for Pharmaceuticals at Università degli Studi di Milano in 1992, she worked for about 30 years in different pharmaceutical companies, covering different roles: Quality Manager, Production Manager and then Head of Operations. Since 2020 is acting as freelance Senior pharmaceutical consultant involved in different projects for quality, Operational Excellence, lean manufacturing. Since 2021 is teaching at SUPSI pharmaceutical matters in courses of Business engineering related to pharmaceutical production.
Paolo Giorgetti

Graduated in aerospace systems engineering, he worked for the Italian Navy and for Bticino-Legrand. He designed and managed an engineering firm for a decade, dealing with product development and numerical simulation (processes and products) as a consultant for international groups and various university research entities. With SUPSI and JRC (EU research centre) he collaborated on the development of the Dynamat laboratory for verifying the dynamic behaviour of materials. He is lecturer in Management Engineering at SUPSI as responsible for the Technology Processes, Construction Science and Mechanics courses. He deals with systemic thinking methodologies and approaches, developing new training courses on innovation management methodologies and creativity development. He collaborates with several start-ups as a coordinator and coach. He has developed specific teaching skills by obtaining the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching. He deals with educational innovation in SUPSI's Startup Garage: an incubator of entrepreneurial ideas aimed at students. He is the creator and coordinator of the course on study methods aimed at containing drop-out.
Aleksandar Jovanovic

(MSc. ME, PhD) has worked for industry, research, EU institutions and universities, in a number of different countries, such as Belgium and Italy (EU, university), Germany (industry, research, university), France (university), USA (industry, university, research), etc. Since 2001, he is the director of the Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies Group in Stuttgart, Germany providing consultancy in the areas of risk assessment and risk management for industry and public sector. He is the CEO of the European Institute for Risk & Resilience Management (EU-VRi), bringing together about 50 industrial and research organizations active in the area of applied risk and resilience management, full professor at Steinbeis University Berlin (Technical Risks) and his other current and previous assignments include Italy (Politecnico di Milano), France (Ecole Polytechnique), Japan (University of Tokyo), USA (La Jolla), Serbia, Croatia and China.
Piero Iamartino

Pharmaceutical Consultant
He graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at Pavia University in 1976 and spent his entire professional career in the pharmaceutical area, working mainly for multinational pharmaceutical companies (Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Sanofi), covering different areas of responsibility.
After more than ten years in dosage form development and industrial scaling-up, he moved to production and became a Qualified Person in Sanofi.
Within the same company, he had the opportunity to extend his professional experience in active ingredients manufacture (API) and became Plant Manager of an Italian site.
He continued in this area, moving to Antibioticos (presently Olon) and achieving about 15 years in a Plant Manager position.
After a short period as a Quality Director in a multinational pharma logistic company, he joined Micro-Macinazione SA, a Swiss company leader in Europe for micronisation of APIs, taking the position of Business Development Manager first and afterwards the position of R&D Director.
Since 1986, he has been a board member of AFI (Associazione Farmaceutici Industria); in 2006, he became Vice-President of EIPG (European industrial Pharmacists Group) and in 2022, was elected as President of EIPG.
Andrea Molinari

Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1980 at the Institute of Mechanical Machines and Technologies of the "La Sapienza" University of Rome. Enrolled in the Order of Engineers of Rome and Province since 1981. Project Manager of AvioInteriors SpA (1983-1986). General Manager of one of the companies of the London Rank Organization PLC (1986-1991). Founder, CEO and Accountable Manager of Lauda-air SpA (1991-2004). CEO and Accountable Manager for 80 days of Gruppo Volare SpA (Volare Airlines SpA and Air Europe SpA) in a desperate rescue attempt (2004). COO and Accountable Manager of Air One CityLiner SpA (2006-2009) CEO and Accountable Manager of Air Four SpA (2009-2012). Of Counsel of two Law Firms in Milan: he was Liquidator of 18 companies and appointed Coadjutor by the Court of Milan (2013-2017). Professor of Airlines Management at the Faculty of Management Engineering of SUPSI di Manno, Lugano (2017-2019). Professor of Transport Logistics at the Aeronautical Institute of Varese (2019-2020). Airline personal Advisor to the President of an important Italian Group operating in the Tourism sector and owner of an Italian airline to be restructured (2020-2021).
Graziano Perotti

Graduated from the Polytechnic of Turin in Mechanical Engineering, he worked at the Research Center in Mechanical Technologies (RTM-Olivetti Group) as an expert in Fixed Manufacturing Systems, FIAT AUTO for reliability and maintainability, COMAU for maintenance engineering. He was director of NKE AUTOMATION and ST Engineering, co-founder of MT3, consultant and trainer for companies such as FESTO ACADEMY, COREP, PIRELLI ACADEMY, FERRERO, POLITECNICO di TURIN, SUPSI. As a consultant, he has worked for numerous Italian and international companies, in sectors such as mechanics, energy, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, food, etc. He was a member of the Technical Maintenance Commission of UNI (Italian standard institute), of AIMAN (maintenance association), of SOLE (logistic association), and is a level III certified Maintenance Manager and certifier for Non-Destructive and Thermographic Testing. He collaborates in the edition of some technical magazines.
Gianni Scapellato

Degree in Law. Enabling the Lawyer Profession. Director of Aeronautical Advisor Airport. Lecturer at Aeronautical Institutes in Air Transport Logistics. Lecturer at SUPSI Lugano University in Airdrome Design and Operations. Founder and Sole Director of MAGISTRI s.r.l. Former director of the Betlem Institute in Gallarate. As Airport Director in the airports of Malpensa, Rimini, Forlì, Pantelleria, he was: • consulted the Cabinet of the Minister for the Act of Address; • carried out aeronautical investigations for flight accidents; • drafted operational and control procedures; • handled airport emergency plans; • worked in airport security; • worked on Noise Abatement Procedures. As Advisor, he: • was Team Leader in the process of transforming the former NATO base in Comiso into a civilian airport; • participated in the drafting of the Industrial Plans of Forlì, Albenga, Frosinone; • carried out consultancy in support of Helicopter Companies; • is an expert in the Malpensa Committee of the Municipality of Gallarate; • drafted the Area Plan for the implementation of Air Cargo at Comiso airport.
Andrea Scialpi

Graduated in Aeronautical Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan, he has worked for many aeronautical companies such as LAUDA Air, LIVINGSTON, SMARTLYNX, CAMO POST HOLDER TRTO AGENCY MALTA, AIR FOUR spa, FREEDOM Srl, JADITA HOLDING LTD, etc. He is a member of the Board of Directors and co-owner of TUNNELS & FORMWORKS INTERNATIONAL and of ACME AERO Srl. He is responsible for Production, Certification and Maintenance in accordance with the relevant EASA regulations for TESTORI AERO SUPPLY Srl. He is Quality Manager of DELTA INTERIOR Srl. He is a technical consultant of Court of Como for road accidents (kinematic and dynamic reconstructions of accidents) workplace accidents (workplace fire reconstructions and risk assessment) transport sector (road and air). He teaches turbine engines for aircraft at the EASA PART 147 certified higher technical institute.
Marco Tatti

Marco graduated in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, and began his career in academic research later collaborating with different industrial companies in manufacturing process optimization and technological innovation. Since his early career he coordinates cross-functional teams to create innovative ideas and solutions deployment across many international businesses, and in the two companies he established and managed: one in Italy active in industrial non-destructive testing, and a Finnish start-up operating in energy storage innovative solutions. He has a deep knowledge of innovation processes by working as an innovation consultant in major companies operating in different technology sectors: automotive, packaging, medical devices, food, tobacco, aerospace, metalworking machinery, etc. For over 25 years he turns his interest to Systematic Innovation and uses TRIZ as main tool for strategic problem-solving and technological road-mapping. He regularly holds workshops and courses at primary international companies and he is often guest speaker at conferences dedicated to technological innovation.
Marco Tomarelli

He studied computer science at the Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale. He has more than 20 years of experience in the field of technical support and IT consulting, gained by working in a variety of companies, from small/medium enterprises to multinationals (medical, telecommunications, food). He has been mainly involved in the supply of computer equipment, configuration and maintenance of networks and computers, and at the first and second level technical support, with brief experience also in graphics and web design.
Giorgio Turconi

Graduated in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, with Executive Master at MIP. He served as an officer in the special forces of Italian Army. He used to work for Franco Tosi Production Engineer and as Planning Manager. He consulted for COM Metodi and Festo CTE as senior consultant, trainer and at Festo CTE as Director of the Executive Lean Manufacturing Program. He’s the co-founder of Turbo Consulting (2002) and of Turbo Press, a publishing company. He co-authored the book “Made in Italy 2.0: Imperativo crescere!” He worked with gurus Norman Bodek and Ritsuo Shingo. Competences: Lean Management, TPS, Operations Management, Theory of Constraints, Problem Solving, Harada Method.